Articles Archive for April 2010
Headline, Sports »

The Arizona Rookie League will begin its new season in two months. Around 145 players born in countries speaking Spanish will meet in Phoenix and other suburbs for professional baseball. As they are gathering, Arizona’s new law will be going into effect sometime in July. This new law is extremely controversial. People who look Hispanic might not be welcomed.
There has already been a demand of boycotting games like the Arizona Diamondbacks or the 2011 All-Star in Phoenix. Over 1000 players, and hundreds of coaches, business staff, trainers, and even executives …
Emergencies, Headline »

On Monday, the effects of last weeks offshore explosion are starting to show a ripple effect. Crude oil is continuing to spill at a current rate of 1000 barrels a day in the Gulf. Officials are stating it could take up to a month to get it control.
On April 20th the Deepwater Horizon caught fire creating an explosion. After it sank, eleven rig workers were presumed dead or missing. The Deepwater is leased to BP and owned by Transocean. It was drilling at a depth of 5.000 feet and was …
Politics »
The U.S. Supreme Court has denied the application for a “Stay of Execution” (of civil contempt sentence) for jailed attorney Richard I. Fine who has never been charged with or convicted of a crime but has been held in solitary “coercive confinement” in L.A. County Central Men’s jail for over a year. Fine attempted to disqualify L.A. Superior Court Judge David Yaffe for having accepted illegal payments from L.A. County, a party to the case before him, and who ordered him held “indefinitely,” without bail, hearing date or release …
Featured, Politics »

The troop withdrawal from Iraq that will be going on this summer is being carried out as planned. When the President approved the plan, it was assumed that the new Iraqi government would be set up while our troops were being withdrawn. Months later, the troop withdrawal remains even though things are not going as planned with the Iraqi government.
As thousands of troops get ready to leave, it maybe months before the new government is properly set up. The election proved to be very messy with delays along the way. …
Economy »
Today, news broke of the Republican National Committee’s continuing distribution of a misleading fundraising mail piece which claims to be a “Census Document” according to Democratic National Committee. It is mentioned that the distribution comes in spite of bipartisan federal legislation passed earlier this year in direct response to an earlier RNC mailer and other similar mailings that mimic official census documents. In response, DNC Chairman Tim Kaine issued the following statement:
“The United States Census is critical to our country. Full and accurate results are necessary to …
Economy, Featured »

The IMF stated in their second yearly report today that Australia was leading the world in economic recovery. The report is on the world’s economy and they report twice a year as the world is trying to recover from one of the worst recessions in recent history. It is being called the Great Recession.
Meetings will be going on in Washington with Treasurer Swan attending the IMF and the G2O. The IMF is stating that the recovery is evolving better than expected. The world is starting to have a patchy recovery …
Featured, Sports »

Juan Samaranch, a former Olympic President for the International Committee, has died after he became ill over the weekend. He was sent to Quiron Hospital in Barcelona, Spain where he was later admitted. It was reported he was having heart trouble. The Spaniard was 89 years old. He was in charge of the International Olympic Committee from 1980-2001. He was regarded as an extremely powerful man.
His replacement, Jacques Rogge, was deeply saddened. He stated that, “He had been inspired by him and was amazed at the level of knowledge he …
Headline, Health »

On Thursday, Hawaiian officials reported ten people had become ill with salmonella poisoning after eating Ahi Tuna which is imported. According to the Department of Health, the infected people stated they had eaten the tuna raw. It is served normally as Poke and is served throughout Oahu.
The fish was processed from another country and was not infected locally. Apparently the Salmonella outbreak is from foreign tuna that was frozen then sent by sea to California and then was sent to Hawaii for distribution.
The director is warning that when you eat …
Emergencies, Featured »

Bolivia’s President Evo Morales is stating that capitalism is the cause for the deteriorating ecosystem within our planet and also for global warming. This was given at a speech today at an international meeting for climate change.
Delegates from one-hundred and twenty-nine countries attended the conference. Among the delegates were civil society and environmentalists. Morales gave them a warm welcome. The conference was held near Cochabamba in a village called Tiquipaya at a sports stadium.
The Bolivian President is a leader of a party called Movement for Socialism. The goal is to …
Headline, Politics »

On Sunday, Central Command and the Pentagon was updating plans to strike Iran if the President decides to give the order. The updates were preparing options to strike nuclear facilities.
According to an official who was familiar with the project, this effort has been under way for weeks. National Security is helping the president with fresh ideas or options at the ready if he decided to give the order. Due to confidentiality the official was not to be identified.
On Sunday, Iran’s President Ahmadinejad claims he can take on the West as …