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Articles Archive for June 2010

Featured, Sports »

[30 Jun 2010 | posted by: Martin Shaffer | No Comment | ]
World Cup 2010 Matches: The 16 Stage Results

After almost 3 weeks of non-stop soccer, the vuvuzelas have been put down for at least 2 days.
The 16 stage of the FIFA World Cup 2010 is over and here we have the results:
26/06 16:00; Nelson Mandela Bay/Port Elizabeth
Uruguay 2:1 (1:0) Korea Republic
Luis SUAREZ (8′, 80′) – LEE Chung Yong (68′)
26/06 20:30; Rustenburg
USA 1:2 (0:1 ; 1:1) Ghana
Landon DONOVAN (62′ PEN) – Kevin Prince BOATENG (5′), Asamoah GYAN (93′)
27/06 16:00 Mangaung/Bloemfontein
Germany 4:1 (2:1) England
Miroslav KLOSE (20′), Lukas PODOLSKI (32′), Thomas MUELLER (67′, 70′) – Matt UPSON (37′)
27/06 20:30; Johannesburg
Argentina 3:1 …

Economy, Featured »

[30 Jun 2010 | posted by: Daniel Wright | No Comment | ]
Thousands Hope to Make Extra Money Once Niche Profit Classroom 3.0 was Launched

Two of the most successful Niche Marketers out there, Adam Short and Alen Sultanic, who generated millions of dollars online from their part-time niche businesses, broke the silence and revealed this new method launching Tuesday their Niche Profit Classroom 3.0.
This is a membership based website that was originally launched 2008. In 2009 it was upgraded to NPC 2 and now it comes with new features, teaching its members how to create info products in niche markets, using five pieces of software and over 400 hours of videos, showing the entire …

Headline, Technology »

[29 Jun 2010 | posted by: Andres Ruiz | 6 Comments | ]
Germany Gets 16% from Solar Power and Renewable Energy Source

Ten years ago Germany launched a renewable energy plan on an unprecedented scale, setting a premium price on solar and other alternative power sources. Their policy offers lessons to Americans for dealing with climate change and other problems in many ways, encouraging the use of solar power energy and alternative power sources.
Accounting for a total of 16 percent of all energy production, the share of renewable energy continues to grow this year in Germany, driven by the world’s largest photovoltaic market. The government has raised its target for the next …

Featured, Politics »

[29 Jun 2010 | posted by: Daniel Wright | No Comment | ]
Kagan’s Convictions Might be in Conflict with the Preamble to the Constitution

Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan followed the path of every recent nominee in pledging a fair shake for all Americans. She told the Senate Judiciary Committee that justices on the nation’s highest court should be even-handed and impartial. The 50-year-old solicitor is promising impartiality and insisting she will be properly deferential to Congress while safeguarding individuals’ rights.
She insisted that she will remember and abide all the important lessons if will be confirmed, working hard and in accordance with law. However they are many opponents that consider her background goes against …

Entertainment, Headline »

[28 Jun 2010 | posted by: Rachel Hanson | 2 Comments | ]
Robert Redford Involved in Clean up Oil Spill and Green Renewable Energy

The 73-year-old actor Robert Redford joined the VIP group that fight to clean up oil spill and promote alternative energy solutions. Longtime celebrity eco-warrior turned back to his love for the arts and spoke Friday to about 900 attendees at an Americans for the Arts summit, saying that the worst oil spill in U.S. history should serve as a lesson for Americans. It came the time to move away from the dependence on oil and pursue green renewable energy.
He insisted that the oil spill could be the catalyst that has …

Featured, Health »

[28 Jun 2010 | posted by: Grace Taylor | No Comment | ]
Encouraging Diabetes Information Provided by International Team of Scientists

An international team of scientists from UK, Europe, USA and Canada, led by researchers at Oxford University is closer to building a DNA profile of people who are at risk from diabetes. Their study offered new diabetes information that could help to identify the suspects and could lead to new treatments that target the genetic problems.
The scientists identified twelve new genes linked to the most common form of diabetes. They tend to be involved in the working of pancreatic cells which produce and control the hormone insulin and the regulation …

Featured, Sports »

[28 Jun 2010 | posted by: Martin Shaffer | No Comment | ]
World Cup 2010 Matches: United States 1-2 Ghana

Life on the World Cup edge came to an exhausting and crushing end for the U.S. team. With a cushy road into the semifinals theirs for the taking, the U.S. players showed they’re still, at best, a second-tier team. With Ghana’s passing superb in the opening stages, the Americans played as if they were still in the group phases, as if there would be one more chance on another day.
U.S. team will go home while Ghana remained the only African team to advance past the first round and will face …

Headline, Technology »

[27 Jun 2010 | posted by: Sherri Adams | No Comment | ]
FIFA has Goal Line Technology on the Agenda Again

One of the most debated elements of football is once again on the FIFA agenda. The controversial issue about introducing goal line technology continues. This would allow replays to be able to help with the difficult calls. Too often there are upset fans and players due to what the referee decides. According to the Chief of FIFA, Sepp Blatter, this type of technology would take away from the purity of the game.
This is one of the biggest reasons why so many don’t want to have the goal line technology entered …

Emergencies, Headline »

[27 Jun 2010 | posted by: Margery Zimmerman | No Comment | ]
Worldwide Drilling Protesters Joined their Hands On Hundreds of Beaches

People in 831 cities around the world joined hands Saturday, facing the ocean in a chain meant to be a metaphorical line in the sand against offshore drilling.
Florida’s governor and hundreds of people joined hands in the Florida Panhandle as part of the international demonstration. They were among hundreds Saturday at Manatee County beaches protesting oil drilling on a perfect summer day.
Thirty demonstrators joined hands at noon Saturday on Lawrencetown Beach, Halifax drawing with their bodies a symbolic barrier against offshore oil drilling. Thousands of people met on the shores …

Economy, Headline »

[26 Jun 2010 | posted by: Cheri Davis Youmans | No Comment | ]
Greece Vacations, how about Owning an Island?

Greece vacations may represent a wish for many common people, but there are few dreams that shout seriously rich people as much as a little island under the sun to call their own. Striving to stay afloat under a heavy debt burden, Greece is preparing to lease or even sell some of its 6,000 islands, The Guardian reports.
The unfavorable predictions led tourism businesses to a timely reduction of their prices by up to 30 percent combined with a drop of about 10-12 percent in bookings compared to 2009, which was …